Unable To Download Item Ipad

On some wireless networks, whenever I try to download or update an app I get the following message:

Unable To Download App

I assume it is some kind of firewall issue. Assuming it is, does anyone know what firewall ports are required to download apps via WIFI to an iPod Touch?

Learn how to fix unable to download app error on iPhone or iPad. Follow these 4 methods if you want to fix this unable to download app error. I faced a message screen like Unable to Download App (item App or Game could not be download at this time) with Done and Retry buttons. Then, I followed several troubleshooting steps to get rid of the terrific issue. Potential Clues Unable to Download App on iPhone iPad: iOS 10/ iOS 11/ iOS 11.2/ iOS 12 or later. For iPhone X. Sep 21, 2014  Hello. After updating to iOS8, whenever i turn off and power my phone, I receive a pop-up 'Unable to download item. Please try again later. ' at first I thought it was an app gone rogue but in the appstore I did not see anything suspicious. After resetting.


5 Answers

I had this twice on my iPod touch.

When it happened first, there was not enough free memory on the iPod.

The second time it was an app (yxplayer) not designed for the iPod. I even could not install it after I had downloaded it in iTunes. If I remember correctly iTunes told me that this app can not be run on an iPod touch. After i 'upgraded' my iPod to an iPhone 4, I could install the app without any problems.

Ios unable to download item ipad

From the following source:


Have you ever had this error message on your iPhone while trying to download an application or a game: Unable to download application.

There is a pretty easy fix for this and here is how it works:

Simply double tap the icon of the application that gives you trouble and wait for a few seconds. It should then be available.

If it does not work, the problem may also be that the app didn’t get downloaded completely. So, remove it and try downloading it again. I found it much better to download app over wifi, rather than 3G.


Try Settings >Store (near the bottom) >View Account. I think that if your Apple ID hasn't been recorded, then you will see the prompt to do so, otherwise, you'll just see 'View Account' and 'Sign Out'.

UPDATE: The one other thing I think you should try is make sure your iPhone has the latest iOS it can support. There shouldn't be any need to open/close ports for the App Store on the network; it should just be like any other http traffic. I used to sometimes have the problem you are having, but I haven't in quite a long time and casual observation through other forums shows that you aren't the only who has had this problem, and an upgrade to the latest OS was the fix.

Philip ReganPhilip Regan

It happened to me today when my app was approved and available in store. I got same message. The reason it was happening for me because i was using same Apple ID which i used for submitting app. I changed the apple ID and it downloaded without any issues.


I juSt received the same message when an app I was attempting to download required a newer version of iOS than I have. found another app that was compatible and had no problems. worth considering...


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