D&d 5e Pdf Download Torrent

D Regular Dividend: D began trading ex-dividend on 02/28/19. A $0.9175 dividend will be paid to shareholders of record as of 03/01/19.

  • 1Translingual
    • 1.1Etymology 1
    • 1.2Etymology 2
      • 1.2.2Numeral
    • 1.3Etymology 3
  • 2English
    • 2.1Etymology 1
    • 2.2Etymology 2
  • 3Alemannic German
    • 3.1Article
  • 4Azerbaijani
    • 4.2Letter
  • 5Chinese
  • 6Dutch
  • 7Esperanto
    • 7.2Letter
  • 8Faroese
    • 8.2Letter
  • 9Fijian
  • 10Finnish
    • 10.2Letter
  • 11French
  • 12Fula
    • 12.2Letter
  • 13Gothic
  • 14Ido
    • 14.2Letter
  • 15Italian
  • 16Kabyle
  • 17Latvian
    • 17.3Letter
  • 18Livonian
  • 19Malay
    • 19.1Letter
  • 20Norwegian
  • 21Portuguese
    • 21.2Letter
  • 22Romanian
    • 22.2Letter
  • 23Serbo-Croatian
  • 24Skolt Sami
  • 25Spanish
  • 26Swedish
  • 27Turkish
    • 27.1Letter
  • 28Turkmen
  • 29Vietnamese
  • 30Zulu
    • 30.1Letter


dU+0064, d
Basic Latine

U+217E, ⅾ

Number Forms
U+FF44, d

Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
English Wikipedia has an article on:

Etymology 1[edit]

Modification of capital letter D, from Ancient Greek letter Δ(D, Delta).


d (upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet.

Usage notes[edit]

The letter d is used in the alphabets of many languages, and in several romanization systems of non-Latin scripts to represent the voiced alveolar or dental plosive (/d/). In some languages and transcription systems, d may also represent other sounds, such as /t/ or /ð/.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin script): AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSſsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
  • (Variations of letter D): ĎďḊḋḐḑḌḍḒḓḎḏĐđD̦d̦ƉɖƊɗƋƌᵭᶁᶑȡᴅDdȸDZDzdzDZDzdzDŽDždžDŽDždž
  • (select similar letters and symbols)∂₫ð
  • (other scripts)δ(d), д(d), ד‎, د(d)
  • See Appendix:Variations of 'd'

Etymology 2[edit]

Lower case form of upper case roman numeral D, a standardization of D or Ð, from tally stick markings resembling a superimposed Ɔ and , from the practice of encircling each hundredth notch.

Alternative forms[edit]

  • D, ,


d (lower case Roman numeral, uper caseD)

  1. cardinal number five hundred (500).
Usage notes[edit]

With a bar over the numeral, i.e., as d, it represents five hundred thousand (500,000).

See also[edit]
  • Lesser roman numeral symbol: c(100)
  • Greater roman numeral symbol: m(1000)

Etymology 3[edit]


  • IPA


English Wikipedia has an article on:


  1. (mathematics) the (path-independent, exact) differential of a quantity
  2. (IPA)voicedalveolarplosive


  • Letter styles
  • Capital and lowercase versions of D, in normal and italic type

  • Uppercase and lowercase D in Fraktur

  • Approximate form of upper case letter D in uncial script that was the source for lower case d

See also[edit]

  • (IPA):t(voiceless alveolar plosive)
  • (mathematics):δ

Other representations of D:

  • NATO phonetic: Delta
  • Morse code: -··
  • Braille: ⠙
  • ASL Manual: D
  • Signal flag:
  • Semaphore:


Etymology 1[edit]

Old English lower case letter d, from 7th century replacement by Latin lower case d of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc letter .


  • (letter name):IPA(key): /diː/
  • (phoneme):IPA(key): /d/
Audio (US)
Audio (UK)
  • (phoneme):IPA(key): /d/


d (lower case, upper caseD, plurald's)

  1. The fourth letter of the English alphabet, called dee and written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)letter; Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz

Derived terms[edit]


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The ordinal number fourth, derived from this letter of the English alphabet, called dee and written in the Latin script.

Etymology 2[edit]

  • (died, death): abbreviation of
  • (British penny; old penny): abbreviation of Latindenarii, the name of the corresponding Roman coin.
  • (dice): abbreviation of dice



  1. died, death.
    William Shakespeare, d 1616
  2. (cricket)declared; also abbreviated as dec
  3. (crosswords)down
    Do you have the answer for 23d?



  1. (until February 1971) a British penny; an old penny (the modern decimal penny being abbreviated p).
    £sd — “pounds, shillings and pence”
  2. (dice games)Die or dice
    d20 — a specialized die with twenty sides
    2d6 — the sum of the roll of two six-sided dice
  3. penny, a measure of the size of nails

Alemannic German[edit]



  1. (definite)the
    • 1978, Rolf Lyssey and Christa Maerker, Die Schweizermacher (transcript):
      Di nöchscht rächts. Mir fared i d’Fäldschtrass.
      The next right. We'll drive down Feldstrasse.


  1. (definite)the


Alemannic German definite articles
  • Masculine nominative/accusative singular de has the form der before a vowel, e.g. der alt Maa ‘the old man’
  • Dative plural de has the form den before a vowel, e.g. den alte Fraue ‘(to) the old women’
  • Feminine singular d and plural d have the variant di before an adjective, e.g. di jung Mueter ‘the young mother’



  • (phoneme)IPA(key): /d/


dlower case (upper caseD)

  1. The fifth letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)hərf; Aa, Bb, Cc, Çç, Dd, Ee, Əə, Ff, Gg, Ğğ, Hh, Xx, Iı, İi, Jj, Kk, Qq, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Öö, Pp, Rr, Ss, Şş, Tt, Uu, Üü, Vv, Yy, Zz



  • Cantonese(Jyutping): di1
  • Cantonese
    • (Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou)+
      • Jyutping: di1
      • Yale: dī
      • Cantonese Pinyin: di1
      • Guangdong Romanization: di1
      • IPA(key): /tiː⁵⁵/



  1. (Cantonese,nonstandard)Alternative spelling of



  1. (Cantonese,nonstandard)Alternative spelling of



  • Audio
  • Rhymes: -eː
  • (letter name):IPA(key): /deː/


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the Dutch alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • Previous letter: c
  • Next letter: e



  • Audio


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The fifth letter of the Esperanto alphabet, called do and written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)litero; Aa, Bb, Cc, Ĉĉ, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Ĝĝ, Hh, Ĥĥ, Ii, Jj, Ĵĵ, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, Ŝŝ, Tt, Uu, Ŭŭ, Vv, Zz



D&d 5e torrent
  • IPA(key): /t/


d (upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the Faroese alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)bókstavur; Aa, Áá, Bb, Dd, Ðð, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Íí, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Óó, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Úú, Vv, Yy, Ýý, Ææ, Øø



  • (phoneme)IPA(key): /ⁿd/


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the Fijian alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Yy



  • Audio


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the Finnish alphabet, called dee and written in the Latin script.

Usage notes[edit]

  • Used only in loanwords except for the weak grade of t.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)kirjain; Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss (Šš), Tt, Uu, Vv (Ww), Xx, Yy, Zz (Žž), Åå, Ää, Öö



  • IPA(key): /de/
  • Audio


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the French alphabet, written in the Latin script.
    • 1837, Louis Viardot, L’Ingénieux Hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manchefr.Wikisource, translation of El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Volume I, Chapter II:
      [À] peine les petits oiseaux nuancés de mille couleurs avaient-ils salué des harpes de leurs langues, dans une douce et mielleuse harmonie, la venue de l’aurore au teint de rose, ... que le fameux chevalier don Quichotte de la Manche ... prit sa route à travers l’antique et célèbre plaine de Montiel.
      (please add an English translation of this quote)
      [S]carce had the little birds shaded of a thousand colours hailed from the harps of their tongues, in a soft and mellifluous harmony, the coming of the pink-tinted dawn, ... when the famous knight Don Quixote of La Mancha ... took his route across the ancient and famous Campo de Montiel.



  • IPA(key): /d/


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. A letter of the Fula alphabet, written in the Latin script.

Usage notes[edit]

  • Common to all varieties of Fula (Fulfulde / Pulaar / Pular).

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)karfeeje; ', Aa, Bb, Mbmb, Ɓɓ, Cc, Dd, Ndnd, Ɗɗ, Ee, Ff, Gg, Ngng, Ɠɠ, Hh, Ii, Jj, Njnj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ŋŋ, Ññ, Ɲɲ, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Ww, Yy, Ƴƴ




  1. Romanization of 𐌳



  • (context pronunciation)IPA(key): /d/
  • (letter name)IPA(key): /de/


d (upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the Ido alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)litero; Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz



dm or f (invariable)

  1. See under D




  1. (copula) to be
    Nekk d anelmad.
    I am a student.



  1. proximal particle; suffixed onto verbs to indicate a direction towards an inferred reference point



  1. and
    Nekk d gma neggan.
    Me and my brother were sleeping.


Latvian Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia lv


Proposed in 1908 as part of the new Latvian spelling by the scientific commission headed by K. Mīlenbahs, which was accepted and began to be taught in schools in 1909. Prior to that, Latvian had been written in German Fraktur, and sporadically in Cyrillic.


  • IPA(key): [d]



d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The sixth letter of the Latvian alphabet, called and written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • Letters of the Latvian alphabet:
    burti:Aa, Āā, Bb, Cc, Čč, Dd, Ee, Ēē, Ff, Gg, Ģģ, Hh, Ii, Īī, Jj, Kk, Ķķ, Ll, Ļļ, Mm, Nn, Ņņ, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, Šš, Tt, Uu, Ūū, Vv, Zz, Žž



  • (phoneme)IPA(key): /d̪/


d (upper caseD)

  1. The sixth letter of the Livonian alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)kēratēḑ; Aa, Āā, Ää, Ǟǟ, Bb, Dd, Ḑḑ, Ee, Ēē, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Īī, Jj, Kk, Ll, Ļļ, Mm, Nn, Ņņ, Oo, Ōō, Ȯȯ, Ȱȱ, Õõ, Ȭȭ, Pp, Rr, Ŗŗ, Ss, Šš, Tt, Țț, Uu, Ūū, Vv, Zz, Žž



d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the Malay alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz



  • (letter name):IPA(key): /deː/
  • (phoneme):IPA(key): /d/, (in rd)/ɖ/
  • Audio
  • Homophone: det



  1. The fourth letter of the Norwegian alphabet, written in the Latin script.



  • Audio (BR)


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the Portuguese alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)letra; Aa (Áá, Àà, Ââ, Ãã), Bb, Cc (Çç), Dd, Ee (Éé, Êê), Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii (Íí), Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo (Óó, Ôô, Õõ), Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu (Úú), Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz



  1. Abbreviation of dom. (as a title)



  • (letter name):IPA(key): /de/
  • (phoneme):IPA(key): /d/


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The sixth letter of the Romanian alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • Previous letter: c
  • Next letter: e


Alternative forms[edit]

  • (uppercase): D


  • (phoneme)IPA(key): /d/


d (Cyrillic spellingд)

  1. The 6th letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), preceded by ć and followed by dž.

Skolt Sami[edit]


  • (phoneme)IPA(key): /d/


d (upper caseD)

  1. The eighth letter of the Skolt Sami alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)bukva; Aa, Ââ, Bb, Cc, Čč, Ʒʒ, Ǯǯ, Dd, Đđ, Ee, Ff, Gg, Ǧǧ, Ǥǥ, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ǩǩ, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ŋŋ, Oo, Õõ, Pp, Rr, Ss, Šš, Tt, Uu, Vv, Zz, Žž, Åå, Ää, ʹ



  • (Phoneme)IPA(key): /d/, [ð̞]
  • (Letter)IPA(key): /de/
    • Audio (Spain)


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the Spanish alphabet, written in the Latin script.




  1. (Internetslang,text messaging)Pronunciation spelling of det(it).



  1. (Internetslang,text messaging)Pronunciation spelling of det(it).



d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The fifth letter of the Turkish alphabet, called de and written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)harf; Aa, Bb, Cc, Çç, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Ğğ, Hh, Iı, İi, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Öö, Pp, Rr, Ss, Şş, Tt, Uu, Üü, Vv, Yy, Zz



  • (phoneme)IPA(key): /d/


d (upper caseD)

  1. The fourth letter of the Turkmen alphabet, called de and written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

  • (Latin-script letters)harp; Aa, Bb, Çç, Dd, Ee, Ää, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Žž, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ňň, Oo, Öö, Pp, Rr, Ss, Şş, Tt, Uu, Üü, Ww, Yy, Ýý, Zz



  • (phoneme):(north)IPA(key): /z/, (south)IPA(key): /j/


d (lower case, upper caseD)

  1. The letter of the Vietnamese alphabet, written in the Latin script.



d (lower case, upper caseD)

D&d Players Handbook Pdf 5e Download

  1. The fourth letter of the Zulu alphabet, written in the Latin script.

See also[edit]

D&d 5e Pdf Download Torrent Free

  • (Latin-script letters)Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz
Retrieved from 'https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=d&oldid=53164757'

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      • Character Sheet (Tyranny of Dragons).pdf [310.75 KB]
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      • Human cleric
        • Human Cleric 1.pdf [160.19 KB]
        • Human Cleric 10.pdf [173.45 KB]
        • Human Cleric 2.pdf [165.35 KB]
        • Human Cleric 3.pdf [166.21 KB]
        • Human Cleric 4.pdf [166.48 KB]
        • Human Cleric 5.pdf [169.09 KB]
        • Human Cleric 6.pdf [169.81 KB]
        • Human Cleric 7.pdf [170.41 KB]
        • Human Cleric 8.pdf [171.35 KB]
        • Human Cleric 9.pdf [171.93 KB]
      • Tiefling Warlock
        • Tiefling Warlock 1.pdf [165.06 KB]
        • Tiefling Warlock 10.pdf [167.15 KB]
        • Tiefling Warlock 2.pdf [167.80 KB]
        • Tiefling Warlock 3.pdf [160.96 KB]
        • Tiefling Warlock 4.pdf [161.00 KB]
        • Tiefling Warlock 5.pdf [162.26 KB]
        • Tiefling Warlock 6.pdf [163.61 KB]
        • Tiefling Warlock 7.pdf [165.21 KB]
        • Tiefling Warlock 8.pdf [166.06 KB]
        • Tiefling Warlock 9.pdf [166.24 KB]
      • Wood Elf Ranger
        • Wood Elf Ranger 1.pdf [123.68 KB]
        • Wood Elf Ranger 10.pdf [153.72 KB]
        • Wood Elf Ranger 2.pdf [144.57 KB]
        • Wood Elf Ranger 3.pdf [147.95 KB]
        • Wood Elf Ranger 4.pdf [147.97 KB]
        • Wood Elf Ranger 5.pdf [149.15 KB]
        • Wood Elf Ranger 6.pdf [149.22 KB]
        • Wood Elf Ranger 7.pdf [150.10 KB]
        • Wood Elf Ranger 8.pdf [151.41 KB]
        • Wood Elf Ranger 9.pdf [152.52 KB]
    • Core
      • Dungeon Master's Guide.pdf [85.70 MB]
      • Monster Manual.pdf [27.84 MB]
      • Player's Handbook.pdf [79.57 MB]
    • Errata and Extras
      • Conversions to 5th Edition D&D.pdf [480.04 KB]
      • Dungeon Master's Guide Errata.pdf [438.16 KB]
      • Magic Items by Rarity.pdf [57.51 KB]
      • Monster Manual Errata.pdf [428.59 KB]
      • Monsters by Challenge Rating.pdf [97.38 KB]
      • Monsters by Type.pdf [534.91 KB]
      • Player's Handbook Errata.pdf [443.61 KB]
      • Sage Advice Compedium.pdf [536.71 KB]
      • Spell Lists.pdf [553.96 KB]
    • SRD
      • System Reference Document.pdf [4.59 MB]
    • Supplements
      • Sword Coast Adventurer Guide.pdf [47.55 MB]
      • Sword Coast Map.jpg [56.34 MB]
    • Unearthed Arcana
      • UA Eberron.pdf [269.40 KB]
      • UA Kits of Old.pdf [77.58 KB]
      • UA Light, Dark, Underdark!.pdf [75.70 KB]
      • UA Modern Magic.pdf [170.39 KB]
      • UA Modifying Classes.pdf [185.46 KB]
      • UA Prestige Classes and Rune Magic.pdf [121.06 KB]
      • UA Psionics and the Mystic, Take 2.pdf [169.50 KB]
      • UA Psionics and the Mystic.pdf [193.46 KB]
      • UA Ranger.pdf [79.90 KB]
      • UA That Old Black Magic.pdf [78.91 KB]
      • UA Variant Rules.pdf [176.48 KB]
      • UA Waterborne Adventures.pdf [250.50 KB]
      • UA When Armies Clash.pdf [266.24 KB]
  • Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.ooo.txt [48 bytes]