Qbitorrent How To Download Torrent Once It Finishes

The reason for using a lightweight torrent client is that it only focuses on downloading torrents and speeds up the transfer rate. UTorret and qBittorrent are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. When your browser asks if you’d like to Save the File, click Yes (or Save) After the file download completes, Open the file to install qBitTorrent. If you see a popup box asking if you’d like to Run the file, click Yes. Wait for the Ninite installer to install qBitTorrent. After the installer finishes, run qBitTorrent.

  1. Qbitorrent How To Download Torrent Once It Finishes For Walls
  2. How To Download Torrent Limewire
  3. Qbittorrent How To Download Torrent Once It Finishes
  4. Qbitorrent How To Download Torrent Once It Finishes For Small
  5. Torrent Download

I recently downloaded the qBittorrent, but when I want to download a movie, and askingfor choose an application, I just can't find the way to do it... Any ideas?


closed as unclear what you're asking by RolandiXorJan 15 '14 at 23:22

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Qbitorrent How To Download Torrent Once It Finishes For Walls

2 Answers

when you have installed it i.e qbittorrent in your Ubuntu you will have an option for that in the context menu. you can get it by rightclick at that torrent downloaded link.

How To Download Torrent Limewire

If its not found in the Context menu then from the context menu choose other application option then you will have window opened . From that window click at file system and choose usr then select bin and in that qbittorrent.

Then afterwards torrents will open with qbittorrent.


You could change the preferences in your Internet Browser, I am assuming that you are using Mozilla Firefox.

Go to the preferences.( File -> Edit -> Preferences) and navigate to the 'Applications Tab'.

For BitTorrent Seed File, select 'Qbittorent'

Now when you open the torrent, qbittorent should open.

If you have any problem please let us know.

Qbittorrent How To Download Torrent Once It Finishes


Qbitorrent How To Download Torrent Once It Finishes For Small


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